Bob Zaccheo - CEO

Child Programs
Non-Profit Organization
Zaccheo, Bob - CEO  
Project Lift, Inc. 
1330 S.W. 34th St. 
Palm City, FL  34990
p. work 772-221-2244  
c. cell  
f. fax  
Description: Our Mission: We are dedicated to improving the lives of at-risk teens and their families through treatment of substance use disorders, mental health counseling, mentoring, and vocational skills training. Disrupting Systems.... Changing Lives Project Lift's innovative delivery of mental health services provides therapy through the unique platform of vocational training. At no cost, at risk 14-21 year old young men & Women engage in hands-on training in: welding, HVAC, solar installation, metal forging, barbering & cosmetology, construction, auto repair, screen printing and more, while licensed therapists work with them to address issues including depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, abuse, and anger management.

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