Meet our New Members!

Florida Spacemodeling Association


The Florida Spacemodeling Association (FSA), National Association of Rocketry Section #481 (NAR #481) was established in 1987. They are a group of hobbyists from all walks of life that get together for monthly launches. They are dedicated to promoting rocketry and supporting STEM activities for local scouting, 4H, Civil Air Patrol groups as well as school and college teams that participate in national contests and events sponsored by NAR, NASA and AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics).

Project Graduation of Martin County

Project Graduation of Martin County is committed to commemorating the milestone of high school graduation by providing unique, unforgettable, and secure celebration events tailored for each high school with our county. By recognizing the individuality of the three traditional high schools plus others, we strive to offer a personalized and joyous experience that honors the journey of every graduate while keeping them safe and off the roads on graduation night. 

Kerri's Clicks


Green Carbon Solutions

Kiwanis Club

The Treasure Coast Builders Association


Ryan Advisory Services, LLC